Labour Party

The Labour Party is led by The Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, MP for Islington North. Labour have 247 MPs (261 if counting Independent Progressive MPs) out of the 650 MPs in the House of Commons.

The Labour Party is mainly split into two factions. The Corbynites, named after Current leader Jeremy Corbyn. The Corbynites are socialist, progressive, and tend to be younger. There is also the Blairites, named after Former Labour Prime Minister, Tony Blair. Blairites are Capitalists but are liberal on social issues.

Scottish Labour

The Scottish Labour Party is led by Richard Leonard MSP. They have 23 MSPs out of the 120 MSPs.

Welsh Labour

Welsh Labour are led by First Minister Mark Drakeford. The Labour Party of Wales has dominated Welsh Politics for decades and they have 29 of the 60 AMs in the National Assembly of Wales.

Conservative Party

The Conservative Party is led by Prime Minister Theresa May. The Conservatives have 313 seats in the 650 seat House of Commons; though not a majority, they are the largest party.

The Conservatives (also known as the “Tories”) believe in low taxes, austerity, and unionism. They sit on the Centre-Right of the political compass.

Scottish Conservatives

The Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party is led by MSP and Leader of the Opposition in the Scottish Parliament, Ruth Davidson. Leader Davidson has led to the reestablishment of the Conservative Party in Scotland, which was wiped out in the 1997 General Election.

The Scottish Conservatives hold 31 of the 129 seats in the Scottish Parliament.

Welsh Conservatives

The Welsh Conservatives are led by Paul Davies and have 12 out of 60 seats in the National Assembly for Wales.


Introducing Austerity-2016

Referendum on EU Membership-2016

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